5 Revolutionizing Applications of Video Conferencing in Telemedicine

5 Revolutionizing Applications of Video Conferencing in Telemedicine

Medical advancements have traditionally been centred on technology and innovation. Telemedicine is a dynamic healthcare innovation through modern technology that delivers real-time medical consultation service to people residing in remote locations and saves numerous lives during crises. 

The growth of video conferencing tools in healthcare settings offers enormous opportunities. This novel way of healthcare communications has numerous advantages. What are they? Let’s dive into the revolutionizing applications of video conferencing in telemedicine in this article.

What is telemedicine

Telemedicine means delivering healthcare services from a distant location, typically via telephone or virtual calls. It offers several advantages and benefits for patients as well as healthcare practitioners. Telemedicine provides access to various care alternatives, such as general healthcare consultations, physical rehabilitation, counselling, and emergency medical support. When a patient has to maintain physical distance or cannot visit a healthcare centre in person, telemedicine can help in such a situation. 

It enables healthcare providers to examine, diagnose, and prescribe treatment options at a distance utilizing telecommunication technologies. In recent decades, this method has significantly transformed and has become an integral and essential component of the healthcare system.

Telemedicine, as we know it today, developed in the 19th century when several healthcare institutions experimented with techniques to transmit information over the telephone. In the beginning, telemedicine was primarily utilized for communicating with doctors treating a patient in one area with specialists residing in another. It was especially beneficial to the rural populations where healthcare facilities were poor. However, the facilities required to carry out telemedicine services were costly and complicated for the next few decades, and therefore the approach’s application remained limited.

The growth of internet technology has accelerated significant improvements in telemedicine practice. The widespread availability of smartphones, laptops, and other gadgets equipped with video transmission has unlocked a new horizon of opportunities for providing remote healthcare services to patients at their homes or workplace or supported as another option to in-person appointments with doctors. General healthcare, disease symptom diagnosis and treatment, medical prescriptions, chronic health condition care, nutrition counselling, follow-up appointments, specialized consultations, mental health counselling, and many other healthcare services are all common uses for telemedicine.

Video Conferencing in Telemedicine: 5 Revolutionizing Applications

Now, let’s discuss 5 telemedicine applications through video conferencing that have benefited everyone.

  1. Patient Monitoring

    Remote patient monitoring helps doctors observe the patient’s condition from far away. Such a form of monitoring is frequently utilized to manage high-risk patients, including those with cardiac problems or those who have just been discharged from the hospital. Remote monitoring can also help in the management of a variety of acute and chronic illnesses. For example, patients with diabetes can check their blood sugar levels and forward the information to a doctor for a prescription.

    Older patients could be supervised easily and affordably at residence through video conferencing platforms. But, for elderly patients, choosing an easy-to-use platform is recommended.

  2. Illness Management

    Sometimes, every minute counts, and immediate medical assistance could save countless lives. So, telemedicine can be the only and essential way to provide medical response in emergencies, like natural catastrophes, when consultants can plan remedial action without spending hours visiting the site to undertake the treatment procedures.

  3. Seeking Advice from a Remote Location

    Skilled doctors and advanced healthcare facilities may reside or are established in the urban area, which could be very far away from the rural community. Patients might be unable to visit in person for assistance from a doctor or get healthcare services in certain circumstances. In this scenario, telemedicine through video conferencing technology will link the doctor and patient for a consulting discussion. It saves a lot of time and avoids hassle when commuting long distances. Such a procedure is beneficial when the patient is extremely sick and can’t be taken to the hospital.

  4. Obtaining a Second Opinion from a Specialist

    Sometimes, getting a second opinion from an expert healthcare professional is very important while treating a critical patient. This approach could connect the specialists and patients residing in different locations to obtain a second option and follow opinions without having to go to the specialists in person.

  5. Establishing Medical Boards

    When dealing with a critical medical case or performing critical surgery, doctors frequently organize medical boards to obtain opinions and assistance from their peers. They could contact you instantly via video conferencing and assess the case. As a result, specialists are equipped to undertake more cases, which benefits patients. This approach has enabled doctors to move away from the traditional strategy of sitting with their peers around a table, making the procedure less time-consuming and, ultimately, decreasing the costs of healthcare services for patients.


Revolution of Telemedicine During the Covid-19 Pandemic

The global healthcare infrastructure had not been ready to manage the Covid-19 pandemic that outbreaks in 2020. This is still a significant health concern that demands deploying all available resources. Healthcare services and medical treatments were severely affected due to the pandemic. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) report, most healthcare professionals in 94% of countries have been delegated to deal with Covid-19 response and support. Because of the shortage of healthcare workers and restricted public transportation during the lockdown, treatment for patients with chronic diseases, particularly the aged, handicapped, and individuals with limited capacities, was also disrupted. 

According to a study by Fight Cancer, 51% of the respondents said they had to cancel medical consultations with doctors, and 25% had to face treatment delays of more than 2 weeks.

Video conferencing emerged due to social distancing restrictions and a shortage of healthcare service resources. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States, 69% of patients had accessed telemedicine platforms for health consultations during the early days of the pandemic. 

Another analysis revealed that telehealth consultations increased by 50 to 175 times in 2020 as more patients were connected to doctors via telemedicine. Online booking, quick appointment availability, and other conveniences were the key reasons that increased the growth of telemedicine. Against this backdrop, video conferencing is integral in connecting patients and doctors during the Covid-19 pandemic and revolutionizes the telemedicine sector.

The Future Landscape of Telemedicine

Although the Covid-19 pandemic compelled people to seek online consultation with doctors, analysts anticipate that telemedicine innovations will revolutionize healthcare systems. According to a McKinsey report, patients’ usage of telehealth services increased rapidly from 11% in 2019 to 46% in 2020. 


Furthermore, 76% of patients expressed their willingness to use telehealth services in the future. It is also predicted that by 2025 the telehealth market will rise seven times from the present scenario. According to a forecast published in Fortune Business Insight, the global telehealth market will grow to $397 billion by 2027. To put the significant impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the sector in perspective, the overall market was roughly $42 billion in 2019.


The effectiveness of current telemedicine initiatives will determine the progression of video conferencing throughout healthcare contexts. Many organizations are increasing funding for virtual care initiatives while expecting a favourable return on investment and increased efficiencies. Per a report, virtual consultations have reduced typical waiting times for patients at healthcare facilities by 75% in San Francisco and 50% in New York City.


The continued evolution of communication technologies, faster internet connectivity, and mobile network expansion will also boost video conferencing used in the healthcare sector. According to Ericsson’s Mobility Report, 5G technology will reach 65% of the global population by 2025. This might drastically change the telemedicine landscape in the forthcoming years, as we have seen during the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.


Final Words
So, Telemedicine has proven to be more beneficial for patients. It can also contribute many other advantages, like increased healthcare coverage, better healthcare services, and less strain on medical professionals. Video conferencing in telemedicine will play a pivotal role in the future of healthcare services that deliver patient care at residence, remotely, or in person. As a result of this transformation, the healthcare sector would reduce expenditures, misuse limited resources, enhance accessibility to patient treatment, and improve overall healthcare service outcomes.

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